Dental Surgery Sales Melbourne | Dental Business Brokers

Melbourne is also home to a significant number of dental surgery sales. As specialist dental surgery brokers, we have transacted a significant number of sales across Melbourne. Since 2014, our firm has assisted in the transition between dental buyers and sellers of small solo sites to major surgeries located across multiple locations with significant staffing levels clinical offerings.  Melbourne offers a significant opportunity for both dental surgery buyers and dental surgery sellers in an active market. If you are looking to sell a dental surgery in Melbourne contact us for a confidential conversation.

Licenced and Registered Dental Business Brokers in Melbourne

As licenced dental surgery brokers and corporate licencees in Victoria,  we can undertake dental surgery sales on behalf of our clients in Melbourne and surrounds.  We are also members of the Australian Institute of Business Brokers (AIBB) where we undertake ongoing CPD activity and training. This also ensures that we are at the forefront of legislation changes and laws around all dental business sales for our clients in Melbourne. If you are looking for experienced Melbourne dental surgery brokers, please contact us.

Dental Surgery Valuers in Melbourne

Our firm also conducts dental surgery valuations in Melbourne. Having sold a significant number of surgeries, we hold a wide range of specific market evidence of Melbourne dental business sales. As registered business valuers (RBV) we are qualified and experienced to be able to produce these reports for a wide variety of reasons including family law, partner buy in / out, sale, tax reasons. For more specific information on practice valuations in dental, please read here.

Placing a Value on Your Dental Surgery

How do we determine what your dental surgery is worth? Dental surgeries transact in the market under a multiple (number) x adjusted EBITDA or profit. A lot of factors go into determining both the multiple number and also the adjustments or normalisations of the financial accounts. A comparative approach is used to benchmark your surgery against a whole range of similar surgeries that have actually transacted or sold in the market in Melbourne or other capital cities.  This is information that we hold from transacting dental surgery sales in Melbourne and other capitals since 2014. This data forms part of the evidence base in the determination of value of dental practices. Some factors assessed include

  • number of full time dentists
  • hygienists and other clinical staff
  • reliance on owner and impact of their departure
  • gross billings among practitioners
  • assets – chairs, OPG, CBCT
  • location – suburb, shopfront, exposure, branding etc
  • breakdown of funding streams
  • age of business
  • database of patients
  • systems and processes
  • profit
  • rent and lease terms
  • personal drawings
  • non business related expenses
  • scope for growth

All the above factors go into the calculation and comparative process in order to determine a dental surgery “market value” in Melbourne. If a brokerage or accounting firm does not have this sales history, then how can they calculate an accurate price?

Why use an Experienced Dental Surgery Broker?

As specialist dental surgery brokers with significant experience in dental surgery sales we understand the intricacies of your business. Non specialist or generic business brokers do not have the same level of understanding but more importantly do not hold the historical market evidence upon which to be able to accurately determine the value of your Melbourne dental practice. Having an incorrect value can either undersell your dental practice or see it passed over by dental practice buyers who move onto the next opportunity. Non specialist brokerages also do not have an active database of vetted dental practice buyers in Melbourne or indeed the rest of Australia. Sometimes buyers might be interstate but looking to move to Melbourne and watching the market, we have been building our database constantly since 2014.

How Do We Work As Dental Surgery Brokers In Melbourne

Medical Business Brokers run a traditional brokerage service that includes a small upfront preparation, representation and marketing fee at the time of listing. This is followed by a fee at the point of sale of the dental practice. We are paid on results, those being the sale of your practice for the best possible price and the most amenable exit terms.  Our final fee is invoiced when your practice is sold and you have the cash in the bank.  We do not charge monthly ongoing fees for no result.

Selling Your Melbourne Based Dental Surgery?

If you are a surgery owner and seeking specific confidential information on dental surgery sales in Melbourne or surrounding areas, we welcome you to contact us for further information.  For more detail on the sale process, read here

Dental practice sales Melbourne
dental surgery valuers
Dental Business Brokers
Dental surgery sales