Physiotherapy Practice Valuations

Do you require physiotherapy practice valuations for a specific purpose or a physiotherapy practice appraisal? We are experts in physiotherapy business values with reports undertaken by a qualified and registered physiotherapy practice valuer. Our physiotherapy practice valuations meet the standard for and are written specifically for purposes such as:

  • Prospective Sale
  • Family Law Court
  • Tax Office Requirements ( stamp duty requirements on company or business restructure)
  • Partner buy in / buy out
  • Buying a practice
  • Partnership or associate disputes on intrinsic value.

As a physiotherapy practice valuer, we have produced reports for clients from all states and cities including Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane. We have an extensive history of physiotherapy business values upon which to assist us with our valuation reports. We have consulted to accounting and law firms and can serve as industry experts in disputes or in the analysis of 3rd party produced valuation reports as expert valuers. Our physiotherapy practice valuations are conducted under the guidelines of the International Valuation Standards Council (IVSC). The IVSC framework provides a comprehensive structure that meets internationally recognised standards. For more information on the IVSC and their standards visit here. The valuation of your physiotherapy practice will be extensive, thorough and in great detail. We will use evidence based physiotherapy practice valuation multiples that are pertinent to your business along with a range of other factors. The resulting presented report is both logical and sequential and one that meets the scope and purpose of the valuation engagement.

Factors That Influence Physiotherapy Practice Valuations

Premises An analysis of the lease, its length and terms and costs relative to adjacent or similar premises

Location City or regional, shop front on commercial strip or inside other premises. Branding to the public and footfall.

Financials An in depth analysis of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss.

Staffing Spread and size of clinical team. Management team, hours worked by owners and reliance on owners. Can staff leave to a competitor easily?

Assets An assessment of tangible assets in their in-situ state with reference to depreciation schedules.

IT System and Processes Is the practice utilising the latest in technology and how does that drive efficiencies.

Competition Who are the competitors, where are they, what are they charging?

Billing Structure and Revenue Stream What is the spread of income and from what clinical areas are these derived? Is there a majority referrer?

Accreditation Does the practice meet an accredited professional industry standard?

Loans and Leases Are assets owned or under lease? If so, an analysis of the conditions and terms.

Market Evidence Is Key For The Most Accurate Physiotherapy Business Values Most importantly, our reports are verifiable against other market data. This includes a basis against similar recently transacted sales evidence of other practices. Our reports set us apart from other valuation firms and accountancy groups. These firms often do not have access to this market data on an ongoing basis which can lead to inaccuracies.

What is the difference between a physiotherapy practice appraisal & physiotherapy practice valuations?

An appraisal can be defined as a “market estimate” of what your practice might sell for. Physiotherapy practice appraisals can be undertaken by any person, agent or broker without the need for any specific skills or qualifications. Appraisals are essentially a “back of the envelope” calculation which cannot be used for purposes such family law, courts, tax office, partnership disputes, buy in / buy outs or any other reason where they may be called upon for further scrutiny. An appraisal will not stand up in court or to scrutiny and will be discredited in such cases. Appraisals are usually free of charge in most cases.

What is a Physiotherapy practice valuation?

A valuation is a formal, legal, robust and defendable document that is written to a specific independent framework and standard. It is a document of considerable length and scope and written for a specific purpose. A valuation can only be performed by a qualified and registered valuer with specific qualifications and skills. Unlike appraisals, Valuations can be used in instances such as family law, assets distributions, tax office needs, partnership buy in / buy out or for the purpose of purchasing a business. A valuation will stand up to scrutiny and be defended. If you wish to have a professional, process driven and evidence based physiotherapy practice valuation, we welcome you to contact us for a confidential discussion. Please complete the form below and a physiotherapy practice valuer will be in touch to have an obligation free discussion about your business and requirements.

Medical Practice Valuations

Medical Practice Valuations Landing Page

  • Please select the most appropriate profession
  • Please select the reason for your valuation
  • Please provide some further details about your practice and requirements

For more information on Physiotherapy practice sales visit here

For more information on medical practice valuations visit here

physiotherapy practice valuations
physiotherapy practice appraisals